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Meet Rebecca, a Founding Five Member!


Building community always starts with 1 person. Then 2, 3, 4 and eventually a Founding Five.  Five then becomes a thriving web of practicing yogis enriching the culture and community at the studio.  

These five Members were the first to forge the energy and community here.  We are so grateful for them and as a thank you, last month lululemon Seattle Premium Outlets gifted these Members a full outfit, empowering them to leave limits behind in 2025.  

This month, we are highlighting these Founding Five Members with a feature on our socials and a blog post.  We encourage you to click the link to the blog posts below and join us in celebrating your fellow yogis! 

It takes the first few who believe to initiate the landslide of yoga love we all enjoy today.  Thank you to our Founding Five AND to lululemon Seattle Premium Outlets, PLUS all of you that show up to practice with us day in and day out.

What is your favorite part of practicing at Union Yoga?

My favorite part about practicing at Union is the people. The instructors are top tier and the members are so kind. I have never gone to a funner studio. The people make the energy alive and I can feel the vibrations after practice for days. There's nothing like the thrill of a class to excite and sooth my soul at the same time.

What yoga pose(s) makes you happy?

Dancer makes me happy. My family has the weakest ankles in the game and poses like this have given me a lot of strength and confidence. I used to roll my ankles and injure them all the time but I haven't in years. Pigeon is also a pose I find really satisfying.

How long have you been practicing?

I've been practicing since 2018

How does your yoga practice and how it makes you feel differ from other hobbies you enjoy in your life?

Yoga is a grounding experience. It's the time I get to myself that's just for me. I can be selfish for once. As a nurse I'm constantly giving myself to other people and practicing at Union allows me to fill my cup back up. I can continue to care for others without feeling burnt out and exhausted. It's an escape. Learning the Ujjayi breath has also provided a sort of reset button for me in any stressful situation, it helps me zero in on what's critical without letting panic overwhelm my senses completely. My other hobbies allow for a nice distraction but yoga here makes me want to be present to really soak in the experience.

If someone wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?

"Aquarius as Fuck"

What three items would you bring with you on a deserted island?

Lashes, a Kindle and a wok

If you were the captain of a pirate ship, what would be the name of your ship?

"Queen B"

Are you sunrise, daylight, twilight or night? Why?

Night. I've always been a night person. I feel like it takes me the whole day to wake up. I'm the most creative and inquisitive during this time. I wanna know everything about anything at 9PM. I've always stayed up reading until 3-4AM since I was a kid. It's how I learned English really well and got to understand the inner workings of human beings. Night is a thriving time for me.

What is something you are really great at cooking?

I can make a killer Cambodian hot pot broth with all the fixings. Soups are my strengths. Sauces are my next great thing. I will make 3 sauces for one protein!! The protein is just a carrier for the sauces.



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